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Quantum Field Generator (4)

Experiment Journal 16

Entry #16:

A few thousand years have passed since I last wrote here. I got so carried away with creating a new reality that I forgot about this little journal. I haven’t been back to my old universe in a bery long time. I assume any intelligent life in this one might not be able to handle the revalation that this whole universe was fabricated by a machine. So it’s not like anyone will ever read this, which was my original intent behind writing here. However I enjoy writing. The feel of the pen gliding across the page is a pleasant one, and it has helped keep me grounded in the past. I try not to let the power I have go to my head, since I am basically a god now. It’s frighteningly easy to think of the lives I have created as mere objects or playthings.

I also want to document a basic overview of how I got to this point. In the previous couple of entries, I was throwing rocks and meditating, now I am capable of throwing entire planets, galaxies, even intergalactic superclusters. This will be a vast oversimplification because writing down the exact parameters I used to tune the Quantum Field Generator would be tedious, to say the least.

How to create an entire universe in 8 easy steps!

  1. Toss some rocks into the void. (I planned ahead, you didn’t think those rocks meant nothing… did you?)

  2. Tune the QFG to break the rocks down into an equivalent amount of energy.

  3. Ensure the Energy is contained in a small area.

  4. Tune the QFG to repeatedly multiply the energy until there is enough to create a whole universe.

  5. Release the contained energy in any (or all) direction(s). You could even call it a bang… a Big Bang. (Be sure to shield the hole you came through so no energy escapes.)

  6. Tune the QFG to make time advance rapidly, other wise you will have to wait a few billion years for things to settle down and get interesting.

  7. Carefully move the QFG to a safe location inside the new universe. (Preferably one that can’t be accessed through normal means.)

  8. Tune the QFG to do whatever you want. It’s your universe now, and it’s time to play god! (Responsibly of course.)

DISCLAIMER: I am not responsible for any suffering or hardship you impose on the creatures of your universe, please create responsibly and ethically.