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Quantum Field Generator (3)

Experiment Journal 11-15

Entry #11:

It’s been a few hundred years since my last entry, I’m not sure exactly how many. When you get to be as old as I am, the centuries start to blur together. Anyway, I’m writing now because I’m about to perform the first test of my Quantum Field Generator. If all goes according to plan, a few things should happen: 1) I won’t disrupt the fields in this universe. 2) I should be able to send in a probe without destroying it. 3) I should be able to get some kind of data from the probe. Any kind of reading is a good sign because last time, there was nothing at all.

Entry #12

After turning flipping the on switch, the device lit up and started to hum as it activated. Unfortunately nothing happened… I guess that’s better than accidentally destroying this universe, but it also means I have to go back to the drawing board.

Entry #13

A few more decades have passed since my last entry, and I think I’ve done it! After identifying the issue it was fairly trivial to fix. It was a simple mistake I made while building it, a few connections were soldered to the wrong wires. Ultimately nothing catastrophic. I’m about to turn the device back on. If it works, I’ll document the results in my next entry. If it goes horribly wrong… well it won’t really matter becasue the I, the universe, and all life in it will be obliterated by the destabilization of the quantum fields that define the universe as we know it. So… no pressure.

Entry #14

It works! I almost don’t beleive it, in fact I wouldn’t beleive it if I weren’t looking at it with my own eyes. Well, looking at the data from the probe I sent in. I set the device to mimic our universe exactly, this way the probe doesn’t immediately cease to exist. However, it’s still completely empty. With some tuning, I can hypothetically do anything in there… For now, I’m going to toss some rocks in (just for fun), then meditate. I’ll decide what I want to do with this later.

Entry #15

I’ve been thinking about the quite literal infinite number of things I can accomplish with this new universe. I decided to create. I know that’s a bit vague, ok it’s really vague, but in my defense, looking at a blank canvas and not knowing what to paint is a common occurrence for any artist, or creator. I guess my plan is to start making things and see where it goes, I’ll have some fun with it.