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Quantum Field Generator (2)

Experiment Journal 6-10

Entry #6:

I have successfully punched a hole in the universe! Not a black hole, which is not actually a hole. This is essentially a doorway to whatever lies outside our universe. I just need to stabilize it so I can send a probe through. Which is easier said than done.

Entry #7:

I was able to stabilize the hole, at least enough to get a probe in there. However I wasn’t able to get any kind of data from it. I tied the probe to a stick (Crude I know, but if it works, it works…) and pushed it through. It disappeared as it crossed the threshold, and after not getting any readings from it I pulled it back out,and it was gone. Not just the probe, but the stick too, at least the part that went through the hole. A few minutes later The hole released a burst of energy. I’m guessing it has something to do with the insertion of the probe, but further experimentation is needed.

Entry #8

After analyzing the energy that came out of the hole, and repeating it a few times, I have come to a conclusion. The energy being released is identical to that of the probes I sent through. Which leads me to beleive that matter as we know it, is unstable on the other side. I have a couple of hypotheses, but I need to meditate on them before deciding a course of action.

Entry #9

Hypothesis 1: The physical constants are different on the other side. That would explain the instability of matter, but not why the energy came back through. That sounds less interesting than my other hypothesis, so I’ll put it on the backburner for now. Hypothesis 2: There isn’t anything there at all, it’s just empty. I can look for quantum fields, or really a lack of quantum fields, to check. If this is correct, it could be very interesting, but I’m geting ahead of myself. I have some testing to do…

Entry #10

There are no quantum fields! This is potentially the most important and dangerous discovery of all time. If I can build a device to mimic the effects of our universe’s quantum fields, I could in theory manipulate them to do anything. I could build an entire universe, assuming I don’t inadvertently disruput this universe’s fields, and destroy myself. I don’t even know how to create such a device, but that won’t stop me from trying!