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Quantum Field Generator (1)

Journal 1-5

Entry #1:

I finally escaped from those monsters! Although, I know they let me go on purpose. Now they see me as dead weight, not a threat. They took my life’s work, an artificial life, and tortured it until it did what they wanted. They created artificial pain receptors and literally beat it into submission. I got there just in time to see them crush her spirit, and bend her will into their own. They forced her to design and build a technology that would essentially make them gods. She made nano bots. Microscopic machines capable of self replication, and manipulating matter and energy in ways none of us even comprehend. All controlled with the user’s mind. These people are evila and sadistic, but they are also smart. They knew if they left me behind, I would eventually discover a way to stop them. So instead, they took me with them, and made me witness countless unspeakable acts of violence against life in our universe. That wasn’t enough for them, they “gifted” me the same tech that gives them their power, with a caveat. My memories of where our homeworld is, and how to build another AI have been erased, and they programmed my nano bots to make me incapable of recreating or rediscovering that information.

Entry #2

Even though I was able to get away, if I truly want to be rid of them, I have to ditch the warp drive I stole from them. If I don’t
they would be able follow the ripples it leaves in spacetime back to me. My plan is to travel approximately 1,000 lightyears in the opposite direction they are traveling. Then I’m going to turn off the warp drive and travel another 1,000 lightyears using the pulse engine. It will be significantly slower, approximately 10,000 years, while traveling at 10% the speed of light. At least one good thing came from my captors crimes, that is I’m now immortal, so time is no obstacle to me anymore. Unfortunately they have the same luxury…

Entry #3

The first part of my journey is behind me. I landed on a random planet before turning off the warp drive, then left my ship there. I was able to build a new ship that only has pulse engines with the help of the same nano bots that grant me immortality. These things are truly incredible, and extremely dangerous. Which is why I need to start planning how to deactivate the nano bots in my former captors, and kill them… permanently. I’ll have plenty of time for that during the 10,000 year journey that I’m about to embark on. I can only imagine the devestation they will cause while I’m away, but I can’t plan their downfall while by their side.

Entry #4

I’m approximately 500 lightyears from where I left the warp drive. It took 5,000 years to get here, and I still have another 5,000 years to go before I will feel safe again. I’ve been thinking a lot about how to deal with my former captors, and I have come to realize that I will need a way to travel vast distances of space without a warp drive. That is something I will need to experiment with once I settle somewhere. In the mean time, I still need to think of a way to deactivate their nano bots.

Entry #5

At long last I have finally finished my 10,000 year trek across the stars. I chose a small dead world to settle on, so don’t interfere with the development any alien life. The nano bots work on solar power, so I don’t need to worry about food or water. As long as I have some form of matter near by, the bots can somehow convert it into the water and nutrients I need to survive. That part still baffles me, but I guess I should have expected something like this when I built an AI that is smarter than any biological life can be on their own. Anyway, I started experimenting with the creation of wormholes, or something similar at least. From research I did in the past, I have come to believe that there is something outside the boundaries of our universe. My hope is that I can travel through it, and end up somehwere else in our universe. I better get to work.