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In the early days of interstellar travel, before the invention of the warp drive: Humanity sent colony ships out to explore the stars, and settle on new planets. One of these ships was hit by interstellar debris, a rock likely broken off of a planet from a distant system. The ship’s navigation system was irreperably damaged, they could no longer control where they went. Soon (on an intergalactic timescale) they crashed on a rogue planet. The crash destroyed large portions of the ship, and ruined most of their hydroponic gardens. As their food supplies dwindled, so did their livable space, the ship was losing power. Most of the passengers accepted their fate, but some ventured to the frozen wasteland that waited outside the safety of their ship.

The group that left, quickly realized that this planet had nothing to offer. There was nothing but ice. As they huddled together sharing the last warmth they would ever feel, there was a voice. A twisted, unnatural swirl of sound invading their thoughts. “…I can protect you…”. Awe and terror flooded their minds, as this unknown entity crawled through their very being. It changed them, their bodies twisted and froze from the inside as their skin grew thick and pale. Writhing in agony, they screamed, they begged: “MAKE IT STOP! NO MORE!” Finally, the pain subsided and their eyes went dark. They could no longer see the light from the flashlights they brought… They no longer felt cold.

They scrambled through the darkness, calling out to eachother. Suddenly their was a glow beneath their feet, then inside themselves. It was the ice. They could see their internal organs, frozen solid, radiating a cold and ominous energy. Confused and afraid, they stood in silence, unsure of what to do. A mass of twisted, spiraling ice rose from the ground. The unnatural swirling sound from before, echoed in their heads: “I grace you with the gift of the Icelight. Let it’s frigid bite guide you.”